
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Love at First Bark

The back cover of Julie Klam's book "Love at First Bark" says that the author uses wit and warmth to describe her journey(s) to rescue stray dogs and find foster homes for others.  I couldn't agree more.  This was the latest book I was sent by Penguin Books for BlogHer Book Club.  You can check it out here

I read it in one and a half days which is a huge feat for me nowadays, but then again it's only 173 pages and with the hilarious little quips Klam includes in her storytelling, it was easy.  Doesn't everyone give puppet shows and Power Point presentations to their pets while house-breaking them?  

I'm not a die-hard animals are equal to humans kinda gal, but I do love the love animals instill in us and I can totally get behind a good old sappy pet story.  Klam's real life adventures with a dog that proves good enough to be her marriage counselor and another (aka Jarhead) who teaches her about home, herself, and the protection animals need from other humans.  If you are an animal lover and you need a quick read or just a good book to discuss pick up a copy of this book and join the discussion over at BlogHer.

Oh and one other little note, from now on whenever I'm starving around dinner time and my family is taking forever to get ready for dinner, I'm totally going to say, "If you're not going to act hungry and tired, by gum I'll do it for you!"

I was compensated for this BlogHer Book Club review but all opinions expressed are my own.

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