
Monday, April 16, 2012

only 38 days left

I had the most marvelous weekend.  It started with a half day of work on Friday which gave me lots of time for reading Friday afternoon and whatever else my heart desired.  Half days are always nice.  Friday night we met some friends for a simple dinner and Saturday morning I got up early to run with my sister.  Then we took my mom to a 5k (on her birthday).  Jonathan and the kids met us over there an hour or so later and we cheered for my mom during the race.  It was awesome and I couldn't have been more proud of her.

Winston-Salem State University's marching band played before the race started and Josh said, "The show's about to start!" which had us all  laughing.

Saturday afternoon we hung around the house.  Jonathan and Josh mowed the grass.

Saturday night we had dinner at the Olive Garden for my mom's birthday.  I always love looking at the kids out to dinner before prom... wish I had gotten some pictures of one of the dresses.  Instead I got these two cuties.

Sunday morning we went on an 8 mile bike ride and packed a picnic lunch to eat in the middle.  When we got back to mom's house we watched the monkeys climb trees.

Last night we rested at home and watched half of one of Julianna's Easter presents.  She got this movie in her Easter basket since she and Jonathan have been reading the series together at night.

I was such a good weekend and I'm so thankful for my family and my time with them.  You know I'm totally looking forward to school getting out so we can goof off together all summer.

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