
Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday morning blues

We just had a fabulous weekend and I am so sad that it's over.  I can taste summer.  I only have 13 days left with students and I don't think I have ever been this ready to get out of school.

Friday night after chasing butterflies in the yard my mom, sister, and the kids and I went out to dinner at Chili's with the intention of getting queso and molten lava cake.  It ended up that we ordered normal meals and no apps or desserts but it was yummy nevertheless.  Then we ended up getting froyo with Dad and Jonathan and watched Josh gorge himself on frozen yogurt after not eating his dinner. (typical)

Saturday we helped with a car show for our friends who are moving to Africa as missionaries.  It couldn't have been a more beautiful day for a car show and it was nice spending time with friends.  Julianna loved helping judge the cars and giving out trophies.

Sunday afternoon we went to the Dash game and watched our first baseball game of the season.  The weather was perfect and we got there in time to hear my brother-in-law play a wonderful rendition of the National Anthem with the Ardmore Brass Band.  We stayed for the entire game.  Joshua missed a nap and wasn't too unbearable so I consider that a pretty nice miracle.  Plus, near the end of the game Jonathan caught a ball that flew into the stands and both kids had a great time fighting over who would get to hold it.  (Jonathan and I were just afraid Josh would decide to throw it, but thankfully he didn't.)

After the game we had a fantastic dinner at my most favorite restaurant ever.  The meal was as perfect as usual and both kids behaved well and ate well which always makes dinner out more enjoyable.

Now, I'm working for the weekend again.  How are you folks? Did you have a good weekend too?

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