
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

links i love

Earnd It - link your Garmin or your Nike+ app or RunKeeper to Earnd It and earn gift card rewards based on your fitness miles.  I'm all over that.

20 reasons to Switch to Google + - Mashable post yet another compelling article about Google + complete with infographic.  My favorites listed include browser integration (who doesn't use Chrome these days?) and hot topic adjustments (are you as sick as I am of the "trending articles" Facebook posts all the time now?).

Web.stagram - I'm hooked to Instagram like a lot of people these days and while I can't whip out my phone whenever I please in class, I can check my feed on Webstagram.  Pretty cool.  Follow me @c525600 if you'd like.

Pinterest - I'm still loving it.  I know a ton of people keep complaining and saying that the cool kids don't pin things anymore, but I have found it to be the perfect organizational tool for my internet discoveries, more so than Google Reader or bookmarks or LiveBinder or allrecipes anything else I've tried.  I will keep using it even if no one else continues to pin things.  I just add my own pins.  Pin all the things!

This interesting article about "Why I'm sending my kids to public school" - more on the public vs. private school debate which I find fascinating having had experiences in very "good" schools and very "bad" schools as a teacher and I've also had many discussions with church friends about public vs private... Julianna finishes Kindergarten in a public school this week...

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