
Thursday, July 5, 2012

summer activities

I've been trying to keep the kids extremely busy this summer and we've managed a lot so far.

Here's the list of things we've done since school got out:

  • the usual activities at the beach
  • water balloons
  • making homemade play dough
  • cookie cutters and play dough mats
  • matchbox car roads
  • homemade slime/goop
  • frozen ice animals and superheroes
  • trips to the playground
  • zip-top bag finger painting
  • homemade granola bars
  • walks in Old Salem
  • playing with shaving cream
  • lemonade stand
  • ninja laser trap (yarn taped across the hallway)
  • outdoor scavenger hunt
  • eating popsicles on the deck
  • weekly library trips
  • riding bikes and tricycles
  • aluminum foil river and bottle top boats
  • marshmallow/toothpick architecture

I really hope to do a post on each of these activities individually, but I'm not sure that will happen.  We'll see what I can get done, but most of them I have already documented on Instagram so if you're following me there (@c525600) then you've already seen it.  And if you're on Pinterest then of course you've probably seen it there too.

I'm pretty pleased with what we've done.  Doing at least one activity a day (plus the usual summer enrichment worksheets I give them) keeps the kids from saying they're bored too much.  Besides, when I do hear one of them say they're bored I make them scrub the kitchen floor with Lysol wipes.  So there.

I still have plenty of activity ideas on my list for the last half of the summer so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Do you really have them scrub the floor because THAT. IS. AWESOME. :)
