
Thursday, November 1, 2012

on instagram lately + giveaway winner

This past weekend one of my dear friends from college got married in West Jefferson, NC.  It was great to see everyone that I hadn't seen in such a while and it was a beautiful wedding.  The girls below were my college roommates.

This picture is not from Instagram but I had to include it. A friend posted it to Facebook yesterday and it's a picture of all of the sorority sisters that were in attendance at the wedding.

Last week was spirit week at my school and Friday was an all out Pink Out for Breast Cancer.  Ninety eight percent of the school wore pink and then students and teachers were invited to donate and sign the banner.  I've known three women who've fought breast cancer and you better believe I wrote their names up there. Karen Wood, Malika Fleak, and Karen Slonecker you deserve to be honored!

The weather here last week was absolutely gorgeous and Josh and I got to spend a bit of time playing outside.  He had a blast playing in the leaves. Can you find him in the picture below?

He did get irritated with me for trying to take so many pictures though!

He was too busy raking leaves to stop for a posed picture!

Julianna got this sweet certificate at school last week.  It says, "in recognition of exemplary behavior and valuable services rendered to Union Cross Elementary."  Very proud of my little stinker!

Also, my sister challenged me to photograph something I'm thankful for each day in November.  We decided to use the hashtag #thankful30 and post them to Instagram.  Join the fun if you like!  Here's my post for today.

Today I am thankful for sweet notes from my students.


Finally, I believe I owe you a giveaway winner!  The random number generator chose commenter number 2. Amy Ellen, if you'll send me your address [courtney dot tucker at gmail dot com] I'll pass it along to get you your Safeskin Kids Antibacterial Gel.

Have a good Friday everyone!

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