
Monday, February 18, 2013

how did I forget to post about this VERY important long run? (that's totally sarcastic, feel free to skip this post)

This is totally random but I saw these pictures on my phone from my long run a couple of weeks ago and I realized that I forgot to post them.  They make me smile so I'm going to post them here for documentation sake.

This was an eleven mile run over what seemed like every part of our city.  Last year I really struggled on this particular run and it was so nice to be able to do it easily this year, snapping pictures along the way.

a nice view entering downtown and beautiful sunshine after a 20 degree run the Saturday before:

the building where my dad worked when I was growing up:

I have fond memories of driving his remote-control boats in the water fountain/pond below from his office upstairs.  It was always a treat to visit his office and go through the big revolving doors.

Below is the tea pot in Old Salem:

running up the strollway:

First Street sign in memory of my dear friends Wes and Andy Burton:

The middle school I attended, Calvin H. Wiley Middle School:

It was a good run.  I love to snap pics and look back on all the things I saw during that adventure!  Wouldn't it be fun to run from one town to another snapping pics along the way?  I just may have to do that some time!


  1. Such a sweet post...brought that you love running!

  2. Ok - I just have to comment on this post. I saw the picture of the sign, and knew from the angle, the bent corner - before I even read it - which one it was. I used to pass it every morning taking my kids to school. The Burtons are friends of ours - we met them when our girls were in preschool together as toddlers. We never knew the boys. I work with the golf tournament in memory of Andy - a fundraiser for our church's youth program.
    I am left wondering how I haven't made this connection before!
