
Friday, March 1, 2013

things I love

Thing 1
My grandfather's chili mac.

My grandmother had Parkinson's Disease and therefore my grandfather cooked often.  Well, actually I think he cooked often before her Parkinson's got bad, but anyway he made the best "Chili Mac."  The secret was a can of V8.  It was basically chili (meat, no beans) with elbow noodles in it.

I made it the other night and both kids gobbled it up.  I had forgotten what deliciousness could come from such a simple meal.

Thing 2
My church.

This video from last week's staff meeting at church cracks me up.

Thing 3
Trader Joe's Soyaki.

We bought some of this and I marinated a flank steak with it and then broiled it for about 8 minutes on each side.  Yum!  Perhaps the best thing I ate all week and you better believe I will be trying it on fish and chicken soon.

Thing 4
My town.

I've written about the wonderfulness that is Winston-Salem before, but this Spring the town is really going to out-do itself.  We've got Creek Week coming up with all kinds of educational and FUN activities around the Dash's waterways (like Creek Crawls and Fishing Derbies). 

Then we've got the Centennial Celebration coming after that.  There's going to be a parade, a party, and a scavenger hunt throughout the town (among other things).  I'm getting very excited.

It's such a privilege to live in a place with such a rich history and one that celebrates it!

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