
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

cookie butter madness and other random tales from my brain

random blips from ym brain today

  • Wiping out the Vacation Fund - We booked our Disney trip and we're keeping it a secret from the kids.  I'm very excited but goodness gracious Disney can take a huge chunk out of your wallet so quickly!
  • Cookie Butter Madness - We went to Trader Joe's the other night (and I don't know why I find this hilarious but I do) but they were out of cookie butter and so was I so this made me sad.  I have been known to love the stuff so when we saw cases of the crunchy variety we finally asked an employee where the regular was.  They said there is a shortage and the store only gets one case per day.  Then she told Jonathan that the case doesn't even make it to the shelf.  She told him he could order some or request a few jars for them to hold.  When we were checking out I was laughing so hard about the fact that there were too many women in there and not enough cookie butter.  The cashier was saying that even the President likes it.  It was a good chuckle to think about

  • Date Night - We had a babysitter Saturday night and had no plans.  Usually that bothers me but for some reason it worked really well this time.  We ate at the District Bar and Grill and went to Trader Joe's (see above).  I had pineapple glazed salmon, mushroom risotto, and green beans... which.... mmmmmm... We browsed the bookstore for a while and then we had dessert and coffee at Midtown Cafe and Dessertery.

  • Enchiladas - I made the best enchiladas the other night. Actually, I've never met an enchilada that I didn't like, but these were really good.  I cooked three frozen chicken breasts with some chopped onions in the crockpot while I was at work.  When I came home I shredded the chicken and mixed in black beans and frozen corn.  Then I added salsa, sour cream, shredded cheese, chopped green onion, and some cumin.  I rolled it up in tortillas and covered it with jarred enchilada sauce and cooked it for 30 minutes with more cheese sprinkled on top.  It was just YUM.
  • The Land Fund - Jonathan has always dreamed of owning land.  I'm not sure why because it's never been one of my dreams but I wanted to help start making that dream a reality so for his birthday I asked friends and family to donate a dollar or two to start up a "land fund."  We've now officially made the deposit and are hoping to add to it over the next decade or so.  Perhaps God will see fit to bless our big dreams and big plans.  Thank you to Pastor Jonathan for giving us the inspirational message months ago.

  • Social Dieting - I did a DietBet challenge last month and lost 10 pounds.  You only have to lose 4% of your body weight to win and for that challenge the bet was $35 with a pot over $38,000.  I decided to keep the momentum going and start another challenge for this month.  You have 4 weeks to lose 4% of your body weight whoever does it splits the port.  It's open to anyone.  It's a good way to keep the motivation going and the scale moving in the right direction.  If you're interested come on over to DietBet and join my challenge.  It doesn't start until the 5th and it's only $25 buy in, lose 4%, winners split the pot.
  • SciWorks for Free - Our local library just partnered with SciWorks and it's offering a family pass to the science museum for library cardholders for free this summer.  I am thrilled!  We used to have a membership to SciWorks but it has since expired so the kids and I will love being able to go again this summer.  Why do people hate the library?  It's seriously one of my most favorite things.
  • As It Turns Out, I Do Like To Get Flowers - Jonathan came home one night last week and as he got out of the car I glanced through the garage door and saw him getting a leafy green thing out and heading inside.  I didn't know what it was but my heart picked up a bit because I thought he'd bought me flowers.  I've always said that flowers never matter to me.  I mean they're nice, but I'd rather the money be spent on other things.  Anyway, when he finally came inside and didn't have any flowers in his hand that was exactly when my broken heart remembered that he was supposed to be picking up a blueberry bush from my aunt that day.  It turns out that I like receiving flowers more than I thought.
I want to know:
-Where will you go for your next vacation?
-Do you visit your local library? Book recommendations anyone?
-Have you ever had Trader Joe's cookie butter? What's your favorite way to eat it?
-Do you like getting flowers?


  1. So, this is funny: I went to TJ just the other day and found their cookie butter because you are so crazy about it, and I wanted to give it a shot. But, as I stood there with one in my hand, I decided we should finish up the Nutella in our house since I don't need 2 sweet-ish butters. So I put it back on the to the other 10 jars. Maybe I should buy all the jars up here and auction them to people in NC desperate for them. :)

  2. Next vacation - trips to see family this summer.
    Library? - I take the kids, but usually buy the books that I want to read. Or win them in blog contests ;) The book I finished most recently was for a Bible study - The Story. It was wonderful.
    Cookie butter - Yes, please, and by the spoonful
    Flowers - I feel the same way you do about this!

    Thanks for the tip about The Old Reader. I never used Google Reader before, but I'm giving TOR a try. So far, so good. I'm being much more choosy about what's in there (as opposed to the GIGANTIC list on my blogger dashboard).

  3. Oh, and thanks for the tip about the SciWorks passes!
