
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

up to

For ridiculous faith like Elisha. I finished reading this prophet's story in 2 Kings and have been aspiring for such faith ever since I finished the study.

the Winter Olympics and multiple trips to the beach after my marathon (I know those things look funny side by side but it's the truth so there it is)

For Christmas my sister gave us a NC Zoo membership and we spent the gorgeous day yesterday visiting some animals. At one point Josh declared, "Come on, people! Those animals haven't moved for like a hundred years!"

My iPod died and I lost several audio books that I was in the middle of. I find it harder to squeeze in time to read a "real" book but nevertheless I have just finished The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry (which was delightful, BTW) and am re-starting The Cuckoo's Calling.

We recently had a toilet completely crack in our house and we've had to replace it and wait on the new one to come... lots of problems with the store and the new one that came in was broken, etc. Then we decided to take the nasty wallpaper down while the toilet was out. In addition, I've had several friends move within the last year or so and watching their house decorating progress develop on social media has me coveting new hardwood floors, kitchen counter tops, and new appliances.  Maybe one day.

for snow and days out of school

Doing my best to eat these seven sickness fighting foods. It seems like I've been more sick this winter than usual and I'm trying to do what I can to remedy that. But these are delicious:

mulling over:
I just read this article: How to Destroy Your Child's Heart and Trust -- One Facebook Post at a Time and I've been sitting here contemplating all of those Facebook posts that I've chuckled at where parents have shamed their children for making bad choices. I sure hope that I resist the temptation to mock my children when they make mistakes.

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