
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

pre-race jitters

Well the race is five days away now.

The weather forecast for Sunday has gone from this:

to this:

and currently to this:

Not ideal race conditions but not much I can do about that.

We only run 5 Mon, 4 Tues, 3 Wed miles this week and by Thursday or Friday my body will be screaming for a long run. Fortunately, the kids have enough ball games and I have enough school stuff to keep my brain occupied.

I keep changing my mind about this over and over again and still might change it again, but I think I've decided to shoot for a 5:15 goal time.  McMillan says I can do that.  We shall see.

If you happen to think about me Sunday morning anytime between 7am and 1pm please send up a prayer or two. I appreciate it, friends!


  1. McMillian says 1:55 half = 4:03 2=4:12 and 2:05 equals 4:23 While I believe I could do 1:55 half--I trained with 2-2:05 until the last couple of weeks at 1:55-2. Looking at McMillan's long runs and easy runs, I should have run faster. 4:15 still seems doable.

  2. At the end of it all, remember why it is you run. I love you lots!
