
Thursday, May 22, 2014

up to

My goodness! This has been one very hectic week!  And we still have one work day left.  We've been running around from activity to activity like crazy and I am very ready to see the end of baseball, the end of gymnastics, the end of school, and the beginning of summer break. Who's with me?

Anyway, here's what I've been up to over the last several days.

My cousin had a birthday party for two of her girls and we celebrated at a picnic shelter and soccer field at a local school. It was fun to play on the fitness trail and run around on the field and it was also nice to do bunch of crafts with the kids while not sitting there thinking the whole time about the huge mess we were making. Well, it was a lot of fun until Julianna kicked my tail on the pull-up bar and Jonathan kicked a soccer ball and gave Josh a nosebleed.

I scored free screening passes to A Million Ways to Die in the West so Jonathan and I arranged a sitter and ran off to the movies in the middle of the week. It was nice to slow down for a couple of hours and laugh at NPH.

I've recently finished reading The Girl You Left Behind by Jojo Moyes, Wonder by R. J. Palacio, And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini, and now I'm working through Talk to Me First: Everything You Need to Know to Become Your Kids 'Go To' Person About Sex by Deborah M. Roffman. All very good reads and I've been really enjoying the chance to read again.

I've been trying to get my calorie consumption under a little better control since my marathon training has ended and I no longer need 2500 calories a day. I've mostly just been trying to eat less at meals and choose healthier snacks. The problem is that this kettle corn from Trader Joe's is so darn good!

I've been trying to earn extra time so I don't have to work all of the teacher workdays after school gets out and this week they needed help at school at the end of the year chorus concert. I got to hear a bunch of middle school kids sing The Beatles and John Legend.

My daughter's second grade end of the year program was last week and I was thoroughly entertained (and thankfully for less than an hour) at their Surfin' USA performance. Also really thankful for parents who come to my kid's performances.

What have you been up to lately? What should I read next? What new snacks have you tried? I need some yummy recommendations.

1 comment:

  1. I am trying to cut out any and all snacks and trying to get back into running...or at least getting myself off the couch. I need to find some energy!
