
Monday, August 18, 2014

Summit at the Ballpark

Throughout the years our church has grown to five services, four in Kernersville and one in Oak Ridge. It's gotten so large that it's impossible to see everyone at church on Sunday. As the service times have changed and a new location evolved, people that we used to see regularly because of this activity or that volunteer role or whatever now potentially go to a different service and we just don't interact with them anymore. The church recognized this and God gave someone the great idea to host one big church service for everyone. So we had Summit at the Ballpark. We were going to have all five services meet together at the Winston-Salem Dash Stadium (BB&T Ballpark). 

The message was "God is For You" and the preacher talked about how often today people think about Christianity is all about what you can't do or what you shouldn't be when instead it's more about God wanting to give us a thumbs up.

They had all kinds of entertainment planned for when the people were filling the stadium. Traditional ballpark games were played as well as some other "elephant games." Lots of fun to watch and it helped with keeping the kids still for so long.

We even did the wave. :)

Bolt was there! And they had sunscreen set out for everyone to use and they gave the kids baseball themed activity packs.

My parents joined us after their own church service was over. After our service the concession stands opened up and sold ballpark concessions for a dollar and we got to eat lunch while listening to the (incredibly loud) church band.

Traffic was crazy!

The church probably won't do this again for several years but it was good fun and a great idea to get everyone together and give people a chance to invite others to church. I'm so thankful to have a church home that thinks outside the box.

If you live in the area you really should try out The Summit. Has your church done anything cool lately?

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