
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

do you own a pair of TOMS? [Overrated + giveaway]

As always, the views expressed in this post are entirely my own. I was not compensated for this post other than a $10 appreciation certificate; I was also provided a copy of the book to review and one to giveaway.

Do you donate to charities that you later find out didn't really use your money in the best way that they could have? My mom constantly complains that if you donate to the Salvation Army (or to the Veteran's Affairs or some other such organization that I honestly can't remember) then they'll just spend your donation on mailings asking for future donations. Were you one of the many that read Three Cups of Tea and then later found out most of it was a lie?

Do you own a pair of TOMS? You know TOMS, the shoe company with a One For One philosophy that gives a pair for every pair sold? You might think twice before putting them on your feet next time if you take some time to read Eugene Cho's book Overrated. It's not that owning TOMS are bad (I even have some) or that the author has an anti-TOMS agenda (he even has some), just that his book makes you question all of those "good things" that you do and wonder really how good they actually are.

The road is paved with good intentions; am I right?

But what should we do about the good intentions that we have? Pastor Cho analyzes the answer to this question in his book Overrated.

Let me pause here to say that I find it completely ironic that Family Christian sent me and a few other bloggers Eugene Cho's Overrated to read and review when those of us who do this sort of thing are the ones who potentially stand to be convicted the most. Maybe that's God's sense of humor peeking through?

Cho describes us as the generation who is more in love with the idea of changing the world than actually changing the world. Because we count "likes" and tweet 140 characters and send our shoes to Africa so we can snap a picture of it and go on short-term mission trips to dig wells without really pausing to stop and give it thought... without praying, listening and discerning... His message is that we may be less effective, less powerful, less influential, less instrumental than we think.

So how can we be more effective? By the end of the book Cho tells us what he thinks the answer really is.


I was completely challenged by this book.

I was completely inspired by this book.

I will change my thinking as a result of this book.

I want to actually do something, not just think that I'm doing something.

I want my walking to be my preaching.

I want to fascinate, not force people toward the gospel, especially my children.

I want to do a significant thing to change the world and I want that thing to be how I live my life.

"It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching." St. Francis of Assisi

This is one that I'd love for everyone to receive a copy of and read it and think about. It truly is an inspiring book that will make you question your motives and will encourage you to change your typical behaviors. 

Thanks to Family Christian, I can give one copy away. I'll choose one reader on Friday to receive a copy of Eugene Cho's Overrated. For multiple chances to enter, use the widget below.

  Overrated Giveaway

Also, I did want to mention that Family Christian has a great sale going on right now. Lots of good music for just $5!


  1. I would love to read this book!

  2. Nope, no TOMS. This book sounds like one my husband would enjoy - and we usually end up talking about these kinds of books afterwards (a win-win for a busy mama with an early bedtime)!

  3. I want so many of those things, too. This sounds like a convicting and encouraging book.

  4. Sounds like a book I'd like. I love books that make you think!!!

  5. I don't own a pair of TOMS, although I've wanted some :) This sounds like a great book- thanks for the giveaway!
