
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

school's almost out

Only four more hours...although I have a list a mile long of things to do today, I am also still very thrilled to be getting out of school for a week and a half. I had some major anxiety issues last night though. I don't know what it was I just woke up at 3:15 am and couldn't go back to sleep because I was too busy making lists in my head and "remembering" things. I finally fell back asleep (I don't know when) and never woke up when Jonathan got in the shower. Thank goodness he woke me up before he left. Besides, Julianna was so active yesterday it did make it a little more difficult to sleep.

Well, we are going to look at some carpet next week and maybe we'll have the sofa and carpet in January. We'll also probably get some trees cut down in January. I'm trying to convince Jonathan to have Lasik eye surgery before the baby's born. It will just work out really well if they can finance it for us like they did for my surgery. It just makes sense for him at least to go have the 2.5 hour consultation while I can drive him and since I'll already be there next week for my one year follow-up appointment that would make it easy. I just know that once this little girl is born all of our money will go to her and while we can we should try to do things for us. I don't want that to sound selfish I just want to be realistic about our spending in the future. A long time ago we had a "list" anyway of things that we wanted to do for us before we had children. If we can get some of these things done for January then I would say that we did pretty well. We haven't done everything we said we'd like to, but we certainly made a dent.

Today is Karen's birthday so we'll probably go out to dinner tonight. Tomorrow morning I have to take the glucose screening test where they make me drink this sugary sweet liquid and then test my blood sugar levels every few minutes to make sure that I don't have gestational diabetes. My only concern is that the doctor advised me to not eat an abundance of carbs the day and morning before and not to fast before the appointment either. She suggested a breakfast of toast, eggs, and maybe bacon. Well, I don't really eat any of that so I'll have to be careful in what I eat tonight and think of something halfway decent for tomorrow morning. It's really hard not to eat carbs this time of year though!

So I've been meaning to get by Babies R Us and fix our baby registry since the dumb thing got messed up - long story. I might take the time this afternoon since we have a half day to go by there and ask them to delete the old registry. I was also thinking about looking at their gliders again and asking if there's any way that they can order a Dutalier glider. That would be nice since I know that we will have gift cards from there and I would love to order it shortly after Christmas. Most things require a six week lead time and I want to make sure that we have it by March.

I started on my lesson plans yesterday afternoon. I accomplished something, but in the grand scheme of things it doesn't seem like much. I got 7th grade plans done through the first week in March. Seventh grade is the easiest since I've already had one group all the way through and I can just repeat the plans. I am going to try to finish the 7th grade year's worth of plans today and already have them in a notebook. Then I will move on to another grade over break. I have scheduled myself two full days dedicated to working only on lesson plans. I have also scheduled one whole day of scrapbooking. YIPEEE!

OK I know I am starting to ramble. I will go now. more tomorrow...

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