
Tuesday, January 3, 2006

is it already January?

What a wonderful break I had! It is sad that it is over, but it was definately very nice. Let's see.... what has happened since I posted last? I worked on lesson plans over the break. I got all of 7th and 8th grade finished and part of 9th grade complete. That leaves 5th and 6th. It was kinda discouraging how long it took just to get part accomplished, but anyway, at least I've started early.

Julianna has gotten so much stronger and larger. I can feel her kicking all of the time now and she certainly has a routine down pat. She is almost always very active around 11 am and 9 pm. Then it's every 2 or 3 hours in between then, but I know I can always count on her to be moving around those times. Sleeping has been a challenge, especially on those nights over the holidays where I overate. My leg cramps have gotten worse and I feel like an overstuffed marshmallow or something. At least I haven't heard anything back from the diabetes test and she said no news was good news...

Anyway, Jonathan and I went to our first child birth class at the hospital last night. It was an adventure to say the least. Some things were silly, but it was also very informative and I'm glad we went despite what everyone says about how you won't learn anything in the classes that will necessarily help you during labor. I just think it's good to learn all you can. But it did make everything seem a lot more real now and like I knew it would, it made me a little more anxious and scared about the delivery. Of the seven couples in the class, four are having girls and three are having boys. It is everyone's first baby. Jonathan and I talked on the way home about all of the random stuff that we didn't know before we went to the class. We also should be very familiar with the hospital by the time Julianna comes which is good because I could easily get lost in that place. Next week we are supposed to take pillows which for some reason is funny to me and then the week after that we have a "meet and greet" with the doctors. The class is only 5 weeks and of course they put the tour on the last night of class. But we did get a free Huggies diaper!

I also got our registry fixed at Babies R Us over break (the old one deleted). For Christmas I got a Baby Einstein CD that I have been listening to. It is really quite relaxing when I am out in traffic. Then Whit gave us our diaper bag and we ordered our glider with the gift cards. When I ordered it they told me it'd be in in approximately 10 to 15 weeks which is cutting it close. That is also disappointing because Julianna should be here in about 11 weeks! We made a little progress on the nursery though. Mom started the curtains and I'm going to get the stuff hung on the wall this week. I added a really cute lamp and some bedding for the twin bed and we're almost done! Dalford even made us an adorable child's rocking chair. Now all we need is the baby. :) I'll add some more pictures tonight.

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