
Sunday, April 21, 2013

what's the strangest pet you've ever had? (alternate title: meet tut)

We went to the beach last weekend and somehow came home with a baby turtle.

There were lots of them that Jonathan and I saw on our long run Saturday morning but they were all dead on the pavement.  Finally, just before we were leaving to come home on Sunday Pap and Josh found one alive crossing the boardwalk.

Somehow the turtle got into the car with us and then made the 4 hour drive home with us in a sand pail sitting beside of Joshua's car seat.

We pondered where we would keep him but settled on moving the fish back to his little bowl and giving the turtle the aquarium, but when we got home the fish was dead so the decision was simple.  Farewell, Teddy!

Hello, Tut! We moved Tut (another instance of the kids naming the pets around here) into his new home.  Tut likes to eat turtle pellets from PetSmart and he especially likes house flies.

He has survived out of his natural habitat a week today and the kids worked with Daddy on a new home for him last night.  He has logs, rocks, a water filter, places to hide, and now dried worms to eat.

They moved him in gently and we'll see how long he lasts.

Jonathan read that turtles carry salmonella so I'm crossing my fingers that this doesn't go down in our family history books like the Christmas kitten debacle did.

What's the strangest pet you've ever had?

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