
Monday, June 16, 2014

random musings

We had a pretty nice weekend with the exception of all of us dealing with colds.  We really didn't do anything on Saturday except yard work and things around the house and on Sunday we hung out with family for Father's Day.


I started Summer Speed Series this morning and it kicked my tail. I seriously struggled. The good news is that I guess that means I have lots of room for improvement.


I still haven't seen The Fault in Our Stars although I am more than ready for it.  When I first read it, I rated it 5 out of 5 stars on Goodreads however I am sure that by now, with all the hype lately it is letting some people down.  Oh well. I'm a fangirl so I don't care.


We are trying to find a time that we can go to the beach that our condo is available and we don't have tons of stuff going on and it is practically impossible. I suppose it's a good thing, but it sure is frustrating!


The kids are going to Vacation Bible School this week and I am totally looking forward to having some quality time with Jonathan. Plans include several quiet dinners out and shopping in peace plus maybe a run or two.


In all my years in schools this will be the shortest summer I have ever had. Because of the snow days and teacher work days I will only get 58 days of summer this year. I know many of you are reading this thinking, "Wahhhh Waaa waaaa I don't get a summer at all!" but my paycheck certainly suffers because of those 7 weeks off so just keep that in mind.


Now, I need a new series to watch on TV. We tried Scandal and didn't get into it. We've almost finished the 2nd season of House of Cards and we're still waiting for the final season of HIMYM to come out on Netflix. What can I watch in the meantime? What can you recommend?

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