
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

a book hidden in a nook that I took to a teacher

When Julianna was in Kindergarten I saw an idea on Pinterest that I knew I wanted to copy. It was a graduation gift for your child and all it was was a copy of Dr. Seuss' Oh The Places You'll Go that you have all of your kid's teachers sign throughout the years and then present to them with a letter from you on their graduation day.

I got a copy of the book and I had her Kindergarten and First grade teachers sign it and then I proceeded to lose the book. Well, what I really mean is that I quickly snatched it up and put it away in a nice hiding spot one day when Julianna discovered it on my bookshelf and then I promptly forgot where that hiding spot was.

I guess it didn't matter that I'd hidden it anyway because this year, the end of second grade, I completely forgot about it altogether.  In fact, we were playing in the floor with the kids one night this week and Jonathan stopped abruptly and looked at me and slowly said, "oh the places you'll...." and all the while he's staring at me and raising his eyebrows. It hit me like a train.

I quickly emailed her teacher and explained that I knew she might not get this email since school was already out and I'm sorry to impose on her break if she does get it but that I needed a really big favor.  Then we started looking for the book.

It took two days to find. It was still in the manilla envelope that I had used to deliver it to K and 1st grade teachers right under her nose in her book bag (oh those were the days) and it was crammed in a box under the guest bed. I delivered it to the kind teacher willing to use up her summer break on a favor for a forgetful parent and I'll get it back in a few days.

So now I've created a Google Calendar event to remind me at the beginning of May every year until 2023 to get her teachers to sign this darn book and we're putting the thing in my husband's gun safe with our passports and birth certificates so that we're sure to find it next year. I mean, if I write about it on the blog it's bound to happen, right?

1 comment:

  1. I have one of those books for the boys! I've had their parent day out/preschool teachers each sign and hope I can keep it up. Fun idea.
