
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

teen things + giveaway

As a middle school teacher, I am all too familiar with the struggles teen girls face everyday. Ladies, do you remember what it was like to want to wear a top that your Mama took one look at and declared, "Absolutely not!"  Do you remember how you felt when your best friend made a hurtful comment about your friendship and all you wanted to do was retaliate by trying to make everyone in the whole school see how stuck up she acts? Do you remember thinking about nothing else other than how you look?

I remember those feelings all too well and with an almost nine year old daughter I'm afraid I'm getting close to reliving those feelings all over again. That's why I was so excited to read 10 Things for Teen Girls by Kate Conner. In each chapter of the book she lays out one topic that young girls today struggle with and she breaks it down to what's really at the heart of the matter. She quotes scripture but doesn't force it down your throat and she leaves you with a truth. The end of each chapter offers journaling or discussion questions which makes it a great book for a group or for a gift for a girl you know.

I picked up this book and read it in a couple of days. It wouldn't be a long, tedious read for a young girl so you won't get an eye roll (especially 'cause there's adorable stick figure drawings all throughout the book). The author's got a great sense of humor and she shoots straight from the hip, but not in an offensive way. I think her writing style is one that will resonate well with teenagers and I highly recommend the book for anyone who has a teen daughter or works with one.

And now for the fun part! Family Christian has generously provided a copy of the book for one of you. The giveaway is limited to the US and a winner will be chosen Thursday night. You can enter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I was not compensated for this post but was provided a copy of the book. The views expressed above are simply my own opinions.


  1. I saw this in the background of your recent IG pic, didn't I? It stood out because my daughter (not a teen) has a book that looks kind of like it - but hers was a word journal from 1st grade, I think. Anyway - I didn't enter because I don't have a teen girl, but I wonder if there's a similar one for boys? Because I'm starting to realize that my 5th grader (boy) is getting older and more self-conscious. And I found out today that the girls are starting to like the boys.... And my guy is a little self-conscious about being "single". And there is a girl he sort of likes. WHAT?!? Wow. I am so old....

  2. I never really wore anything I shouldn't have or that was frowned upon. However, looking back I can tell I always had on too much lavender eye shadow. This book would be great for my 10 year old daughter...she is very much into how she looks and there always seems to be some sort of girl drama going on.
