
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

up to


  • We haven't been anywhere since July 4th so a nice beach trip would be wonderful right about now. This is my favorite time of the year to go to the beach but our condo is rented up until the end of September. I hope we can squeeze in a trip in October.
  • Today is an early release day in our schools. We've not had this before in our county and the last county that I worked in had them but teachers got out later than a typical school day because they were crammed full of meetings. I am crossing my fingers that is not the case today.
  • We've been in the market for a new car for a couple of months now and we think we have finally made a deal on one that's coming to a local dealership September 24th. Since our other cars are all having a few hiccups September 24th can't get here soon enough.
  • Julianna is still trying to adjust to a new school and make new friends and she's scheming to start a loom bracelet business. She made up a contract to pass out among her classmates in case there was anyone who wanted to help her. It really made me smile, but I'm hopeful that her 3rd grade business plan doesn't cause any problems or huge disappointments.

  • I realized today that there are only 5 more LONG long runs before my marathon. We have a few 14 mile recovery days left on the schedule but only 5 runs are 18+ miles. Yikes!
  • I've had some good speedwork days lately, but my long runs have been horrible. This fact has made me really nervous for those last five long runs. Gotta step up my training!


  • I've lost 7 pounds since I started back to work four weeks ago. I'm almost certainly going to win my current DietBet and that feels so good.
  • I'm probably going to keep up the sensible eating but not focus so much on moving the scale for the rest of the marathon training.
  • I made sweet potatoe chips in the dehydrator the other night. They were supposed to be salt and vinegar but they really turned out more like regular potato chips. Still delicious!


  • I've recently finished Pure by Julianna Baggot, 10 Things for Teen Girls by Kate Conner (giveaway closes tomorrow! go enter to get a copy!), and now I'm working on two Ted Dekker books. He is one of my all time favorite authors and I've got a great giveaway coming up for one of those as well so stay tuned.
  • Julianna's class has been reading City of Ember and I've got it in my queue. Has anyone read this book? I'm anxious to read along with her.

  • I've been closing out the summer with mindless TV aka Big Brother.
  • I'm super pumped about The Maze Runner coming out in theaters next week. Anyone want to babysit so I can go see it?
  • We're finally about to finish House of Cards which we've been watching slowly. We lost interest for a while in the middle but picked it back up again when we had nothing better to watch and in my opinion it's gotten back to being as entertaining as it was in the beginning.
  • I feel like I ask this all the time, but I really need some show recommendations. We loved Breaking Bad, Orange Is The New Black was decent, we're sad that HIMYM's final season hasn't come out on Netflix yet, and when we watch the last episode of House of Cards we'll need something else to start watching. Take it away, folks! What do you watch on TV?


  1. I read City of Ember - my son's teacher said they'd be reading it this year and I borrowed the e-book version from the library so I could be prepared to discuss it with him, too. Finished it in 3 days! I thought it was a good story line, and had hoped the movie version would be available on Netflix. It's not, and I also saw the movie reviews were not great. (I really like discussing movie/book differences). I definitely think tweens would enjoy it.
    I don't watch much in the way of tv/movies, but I did start House of Cards. Only on about episode 6, I think. Trying to have "date nights" with my husband, but he's been on call and we have just had a very busy month. Here's to... late September?
    Way to go on the marathon training. I'm maybe possibly thinking about considering a half to celebrate my 40th. But that's less than 6 months away. Been to busy to put much thought into it, but ... ???

  2. The City of Ember is an excellent book. Don't peek to the end if you're tempted, or you'll ruin it!
