
Friday, January 27, 2006

successful eye surgery among other things

I used to have Psalm 1 memorized. I have recently decided to recommitt it to memory. It is a good psalm. You should memorize it too.

Psalm 1: "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish."

Well, I just got to school a little while ago after taking Jonathan to his eye surgery. He did very well and was asleep when I left. Memamma came to sit with him in case he needs anything, but I think he will sleep most of the day away. I wish I could be there, but it's not necessary especially when he was doing fine and I'd have to take the day off without pay. Sigh. Plus it's nice to have someone available.

I am planning on having a great weekend spent with family. I have nothing scheduled really and I am not going to try to cram it full with unimportant things. I am going to relax and do what I want. I have a baby shower on Sunday and besides that I am free. It is all very exciting. Maybe I'll try out some of the new crock pot recipes.

My email is not working for the second day in a row. It really kills me. I am very dependent on my email. I wonder if that will change once Julianna is born. They have sent out a message to the staff saying that they are working on getting it fixed, but I still hate to be without communication with my family.

I had another first yesterday. I knew that people would start coming up to me and saying, "You're having a girl, aren't you?" or "You're having a boy, right?" Well, it finally happened. A lady last night said, "You're having a girl, aren't you? I can tell by the way you're carrying it." I think it's funny that people think they can tell these things. She may have been right but I still think humans are silly for thinking they know things that only God knows. Oh well. My counter says I only have 55 days left. The best part is that there are only 30 days of school until spring break.

Also last night at Curves we started talking about American Idol and everyone was telling who they liked, etc. Someone mentioned how they were rooting for the girl who'd been in 42 foster homes and the girl who's mom died when she was 3 and her father had been in prison her whole life. That lead to people telling sad stories and more sad stories about people they know. It made me feel very fortunate of course. Then I started telling about these friends of my family that lost both of their children in a car accident on Easter. They went through a really rough time and so did the boy who was driving the car at the time. (He also lost his brother in the same accident.) Anyway, it turns out that the lady that I work with at Curves's daughter was one of the younger boy's best friends. She has battled depression ever since their accident. It is a small world with many sad stories. I am thankful to be alive.

One last thing, tonight I think I'll challenge my dad to a game of dance dance revolution. I need some exercise.

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