
Monday, January 30, 2006

weekend and month re-cap

I cannot believe that it is already the end of January! Time goes by quickly! Unfortunately, March still seems like a long way away. I have a busy week as usual. I have to work at Curves tonight, Tuesday, and Thursday. I also have the last class at the hospital tonight which makes for a long day. I got here early this morning to put up my bulletin board. It took forever! And I am very jealous that Jonathan has the day off, but I know that it is more than fair since I am off each summer. His eye surgery went very well and I think he is going to be able to see great within a few short days. Right now he can see fine it's just a little hazy/cloudy (and he drove fine yesterday - I actually rode with him). :)

Well, I went to the shower at Glenola yesterday and we literally took a van FULL home with gifts. We got so much stuff that we needed for Julianna. We got the stroller, car seats, swing, and boucy seat along with a long list of other stuff! It is all so very exciting! Now I just have to get those thank you notes done! We spent some time last night sort of organizing the nursery. It is exhausting and I don't know what the best way to organize a lot of it is. Jonathan got the stroller put together and we just need to see how the base to the car seat fits in the car. I guess I need to call the car dealership place to see if they can check the installation, but I think you have to make an appointment. I still haven't even washed the first item of clothing or the bedding. I am probably way behind, but I also have lesson plans to do. They have arranged for a long term sub for my classes and I told her that we could meet on Thursday and that I would try to have all of the plans done by then. Whew! That's a lot to do! We'll see if I can get it done. My goal is to get up early every morning this week and try to accomplish at least a little something after I read my Bible study. So far it has worked one day...

Overall, I had a terrific weekend. Jonathan and I got the bills paid and organized. I got all of the laundry done and made some great beef stew in my new crock pot. NC State beat Clemson and I got tons of fun baby gifts (check out the pictures page). What more could you ask for? :) This coming up weekend we are going to the beach and Jonathan and I are going to try to get all of our tax stuff together too so that it will all be ready to take to an accountant when we get back. Busy times, but I am optimistic that that just means that life is good.

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