
Monday, March 6, 2006

i hate mondays

I feel awful this morning. I think I must have overdone it this weekend. I am just really achy and sore and tired. I slept great both Friday and Saturday nights, but then last night my back was hurting pretty badly and I had what felt like menstrual cramps but who knows. I just couldn't sleep. Yesterday I also did some crazy demonstrations for mom and Whit where I can make Julianna pop up from my belly. I know it sounds weird, but it is just basically a half situp and now my muscles ache. Anyway, I am planning on going straight home from school today and resting (that's if I can make it through the whole day). :( I hate Mondays.

On Friday I found out that I'm only getting 40% pay for the days that I'm out on maternity leave. I also found out that I can't use any of my personal days or sick days until I've actually gone into labor which basically means that I have to come back after spring break and work up until the day I go into labor. Ugh. It makes me mad that I hadn't known that from the beginning but that's water under the bridge now. At least I will go ahead and make more money for these days instead of taking them without pay.

I hope that the glider comes in this week. I still have a lot of stuff to take back to various places. I still have a lot of laundry to do. I still need to get the car seat base inspected. I still need to finish some work on our taxes and finish up the lesson plans. I didn't work on any of that this weekend. Rebecca and Emily came and we had a nice visit. I had a really good birthday. Plus it's ACC Tournament time.

Well, I am going to go actually try to make a dent in the rest of my lesson plans. My sub is coming on Wednesday to try to pick up anything that I have ready for her so I really have to get moving. Hope you all have a terrific day!

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