
Friday, March 3, 2006

on my mind

Yesterday I went by Babies R Us and paid off our glider and exchanged some things. Today I think I will go by Target and exchange some other things. I have gotten a whole lot of blankets and newborn diapers and newborn outfits and I think I should get bigger sizes in some of them. It is nice to not have to work at Curves after work.

Well, I have 20 days left. Yesterday I had a very active day because of all of the stuff that we had going on at school. My stomach felt pretty tight all day. I don't know if it was because the contractions were getting stronger or what. Last night I didn't sleep so well. I was hot and kept waking up and not being able to go back to sleep. I think I got up to use the bathroom at least three times last night. I hope tonight is different.

My skin is SO DRY! I feel like I keep pouring tons and tons of lotion on it, but it doesn't help a lot. I will be happy to have my old skin back and I will be thrilled to be able to reach my feet easily again. I can't wait to paint my toenails this summer and get some sun on my ugly white legs! This weather makes it feel like summer is just around the corner. YAY!

Julianna now supposedly weighs over 6 pounds and is between 19 and 20 inches long. The baby development websites say that she also now has a firm grasp and all her organs are fully developed and in place except for her lungs and brain which both continue to develop through childhood.

This is random I know but I've been thinking so much about how Jonathan and my's relationship has already changed. I'm not complaining at all, just noticing differences. I know that having children is always the start of a joke about how things will never be the same in a marriage again, but I think my pregnancy has even changed things a lot. We are both just so tired all the time.

I know that Jonathan and I love each other dearly and we communicate well so I am confident that our family will be great even after Julianna is born, but I also know that it is starting to be different already. We are so busy now. We really have to make efforts for "us time." I'm always at a shower or organizing baby stuff and Jonathan is always having to do work stuff. Last night he got a call about the burglar alarm going off and had to deal with that from about 10 - 11:30 and then be back at work early this morning. He also had an employee fall at work this week and is in pretty bad shape at the hospital. Jonathan understandably keeps going to visit him before or after work. We are lucky to be safe and healthy ourselves but we've always got something going on.

I am not worried about the first few months of Julianna's life (probably not as much as I should be). I am just trying to prepare myself for a rough few months. I know that we will be even more exhausted, stretched, and sleep-deprived than we are now (if that's even possible), but I feel ready! Let's get it over with and then when she's in a routine and laughing and happy let the fun begin! :)

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