
Monday, February 19, 2007

weekend wrap-up

This weekend was nothing extraordinary, but a weekend nevertheless and that is certainly a fun thing. We had the wedding rehearsal Friday night. For an interesting account of that, read this.

Saturday we went to the wedding and reception (at least the cake was awesome) while my sister babysat the little girl. Saturday night we didn’t do much besides watch “The Departed.”

Yesterday we kept the 1 year olds at church and then got Chinese takeout which I haven't had in forever. Then we visited my grandmother and parents for a little while. I came home and started packing for the beach this weekend. I didn’t get much done but it was a good weekend anyway.

I’m a little nervous about this beach trip. It will be my first night without the baby since she was born. And it will be two nights in a row! I’m sure we’ll both be fine, but of course I’m still a little anxious about it.

Got to go get things done. Happy President's Day everyone!

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