
Thursday, January 1, 2009


I've had a very grumpy afternoon if an afternoon can be called that. It's hard to have a good one anyway when you're fighting off STARVATION. OK, that might be a slight exaggeration, but after the way I ate through 2008, it seems like 2009 (at least the first part) is going to be a doozie if I'm going to stick to all of these resolutions I set. Plus, my arms are sore from playing Wii.

Julianna has been fighting some sort of cold or something since Monday. She's been ornery, whiny, and downright intolerable. Nothing we say or do can convince her to stop the "ugly cry." No amount of bribery will get her to stop clinging to our legs or demanding to be held or carried. For instance, at Subway today she fell to pieces because we wouldn't let her switch us all to a new table after we had already eaten half of our sandwiches.

I suppose I should have taken her to the doctor yesterday, but she's not had much of a fever (101 was the highest it got and that was only one time, mostly it's been 99ish). She vomited a few times on Monday, but has seemed to be getting better since then even though her appetite hasn't been great. When I did decide it was finally time for a doctor's office visit this morning I called only to realize that they wouldn't be open on New Year's Day.

I keep thinking though, about how last Christmas we spent giving her breathing treatments with the nebulizer in between plenty of trips to the doctor's office and trying to cram in visits with family somewhere in between. Last year this time both her and I had already fought at least half a dozen illnesses and it was just a rough, rough ending to the year. At least 2008 didn't end that way for us too.

So I guess my biggest wish for 2009 is health. Sure there are lots and lots of other things I'm going to set as goals and TRY to do (like stop drinking soft drinks, take my vitamin every day, exercise 30 minutes a day, read more, blog more, clean more, memorize scripture, etc) but the thing I would say that I wish for most for my family is a healthy and happy year. I wish it for you all too.

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