
Saturday, January 3, 2009

whistle while you work

I'm excited because I've decided how I'm going to spend my Christmas money and it's only January 3rd. We went to look at phones last night at the Ver1zon store and when I'm eligible for a phone upgrade at the end of February I've decided I'm going to get a touch-screen phone with internet capabilities. This way I can have Facebo0k wherever I go (ha, ha) and no excuses for not blogging.

I took Jonathan along to help me translate what the salesman said and after the hubs laid out my options for me (in English) I decided to wait the extra couple of months to save an extra $140. I'm still super excited though!

However, I am super-frustrated with the company that I registered my domain through. For some reason, I am having lots of trouble getting this blogspot address to point to my custom domain address. I have talked to three customer service representatives with the domain company and each time they have made some changes and told me that I would have to wait 24 to 48 hours for the change to take affect. How annoying! Especially because every time so far their changes haven't worked. At any rate, I hope I will have back soon.

So what are you all doing today? I am taking down Christmas decorations while my daughter spends some time with Mamaw. Makes it all so much easier, mostly because every time it comes up Julianna insists that we leave the tree up for "five more days." I'm thinking that when she gets home and protests the tree dumped outside on the curb we can just smear some peanut butter and birdseed all over the branches and she'll get over it.

Have you taken your holiday stuff down yet and why are those rubber storage bins so darn expensive?

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