
Thursday, May 12, 2011

another fun weekend

A couple of weekends ago we went to see the last show of the season at the Children's Theater of Winston-Salem.  The show was Go, Dog Go! and I took both Jules and Josh.  We went to the Y right before and had a few extra minutes to kill before the show started so we stopped in to CVS and bought a few treats to eat during the show. 

It was great fun!  I was nervous about holding Josh on my lap for an entire hour or more but he did great.  He was riveted by all of the dogs on stage and he sat motionless for the first 45 minutes.  I am not even kidding.  I was thoroughly surprised. 

There was a moon and a sun that was part of the set and they kept raising it and lowering it for various parts of the story.  Towards the end, Josh finally pointed as they took away the moon and lowered the sun back down.  He enthusiastically said, "Moon!"  And then looked at me like, "What happened?"  Finally, it was, "Dog? Dog! Dog?" for the whole rest of the show.

Julianna sat there happily munching on her animal crackers, Sour Patch Kids, and Tic-Tacs.  This was the 3rd show she's been to this year and we have enjoyed them all.  I would highly recommend the Family Pack of tickets to anyone who's considering it.  Great little productions that let the kids have a fun afternoon and get a good taste of the theater.

But our afternoon wasn't finished yet!  After the show was over we raced out to get to SciWorks for their Spring Fest celebration that afternoon.  Julianna had a chance to ride a pony years ago when my mom's group visited Cash Lovell Stables and she has been asking about Mr. Buttons ever since.  When I heard that CSL was going to have free pony rides that day at SciWorks I knew we had to try to get there.

Unfortunately, Mr. Buttons is now retired, but she did get to ride another friendly horse named Turbo.  She was as happy as a lark on top of that horse and Josh was intrigued from his spot in the stroller.

Julianna also loves SciWorks and I recently got a one year family membership there through Groupon so we ventured inside after the pony ride and played for a while among the exhibits.

Here they are playing in one of their most favorite places, the fish pond in what we call "the animal room."  WHat toddler doesn't love to play in water?

Next we stopped in for some free workshops where we studied the life cycle of a plant from the beginning seed to the resulting plant and vegetable.  Julianna used rubber stamps to make a book about her plant in the various stages of growth and then both Julianna and Joshua planted two seeds each. 

Josh chose two lima beans and Julianna planted limas and sweet peas.  We rolled up newspaper and folded under the bottom to make a little cup.  We filled it halfway with dirt, put in the seed, and then filled it the rest of the way.  We took our seeds home and put them in the window sill and watered them for the last week or so and all four plants had come up with leaves and a stem.  Last night Jonathan helped the kids plant them in the garden.  I have a separate post coming about that, of course.

From there we headed to the "music room."  In this room the kids get to make all kinds of sounds using a variety of objects.  They love it.  I love the piano keys on the floor.

Finally, it was apparent we were really pushing nap time so we zipped through the rest of the exhibits, pausing for a quick climb in the extra large mouth before we headed home to rest.

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