
Sunday, July 10, 2011

bullets of randomness

  • The kids had dentist appointments this week.  It was Josh's first visit.  He was so very brave.  And cute in those big boy batman glasses (so that the "sunshine" wouldn't get in his eyes).

  • I got my tickets to the last Harry Potter earlier this week.  I'm still not sure how I feel about that.
  • I've been enjoying figuring out Google Plus.  So far it's been lots of fun investigating!
  • I've been working on a top secret blog project which is one reason why I haven't posted quite as much as I'd have liked this week. More details coming next week.
  • Julianna's latest obsession is Pokemon.  She's been addictively (I just made that word up) playing PokePark Wii this summer.  She saved her own money from selling lemonade to buy the game and she's pretty good at it.  She's gotten close to beating the game.  We've been to the library on numerous occasions to check out Pokemon books and we even we to a Pokemon/Bakugan club earlier this week and she was completely enthralled.  Totally in her element among the older kids (no surprise, mostly boys) and now she's started collecting Pokemon cards much to the dismay of her parents.  [Although I will say that I bought her first pack because she helped me clean the whole upstairs and I wanted to reward her so I guess I brought it all on myself.]
  • We celebrated a very good Fourth of July with family and friends.  We had a cookout at our house Sunday night and my dad even got to come.  Monday night we went to Jonathan's grandmother's house to watch the fireworks display at Creekside Park.  Josh was a little scared but he did much better than I expected.
  • New book review coming soon.  I've read some interesting ones over the last two weeks and I started Pillars of the Earth but had to give up on it for now.  Anyone else read that that can advise whether to proceed or not?
  • Julianna ran a true mile yesterday on her own and I couldn't be prouder.  I'm hoping she'll join us on the Mission Mile again this year.
    Questions of the Day:
    -What have you been up to?
    -Are you on Google+?
    -Are you a Harry Potter fan?  Do you get rediculously excited when a new movie comes out or is that just me?
    -Any suggestions for new books to read?


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