
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

random stuff

Oh my goodness! What a day this has been so far! It has started out as one CRAZY day! I cannot emphasize enough how glad I will be when next Friday comes! Eight and a half days and counting...

Well, yesterday I made a good dent in my lesson plans for maternity leave. I went over to feed mom and dad's cats and stayed to work on them for 2.5 hours. I still have to finish the 6th grade plans and then I am done with the lesson plan part. After that I will have to get all of the originals of all of the handouts that the sub will need as well as all of the files together on a CD for her. Fun times. At least the monumental task is seeming smaller.

Mom and Dad are in sunny Florida for a couple of days. I wish I was there. It would be so nice to relax my enormous body on a lounge chair for hours with a good book. They would probably think I was a beached whale. Anyway, I am jealous but I am glad that they are taking a much needed vacation. My birthday is Sunday and I haven't hardly thought about it one bit. I guess that's how things go the older you get. All I want is to make sure I get a good piece of cake. I have two friends from college coming to visit this Saturday so maybe I can get something good to eat with them.

I finished my Bible Study last week so this week I am feeling a tad bit lost. I am going to make an effort tonight to just read some out of a random book in the Bible until I get another actual organized topic to study.

OK so this lady that retired last year after teaching some 30 years here at Calvary just stopped by my room to say hi (she still subs occasionally) and anyway she started talking to me about nursing. She said that she was advised by her doctor to try to calm her nerves before breastfeeding by having a beer. She said that it really worked and that she doesn't even drink, but she did it for all three of her kids and they are just fine. She said that it really helped because the child could tell when you were calmer and as long as you're not tipsy (moderation is the key) she said that the doctor told her it wasn't harmful to the baby.

Well, I just think it is so hilarious the kind of advice you get when you're having a baby. Everyone has an opinion about something and usually they are conflicting, but I guess you find you own unique methods and whatever works for you just works for you. I know it will be worse when Julianna is actually born, but I do think it is so funny because this was coming from a 60-something year old retired Christian school teacher on "doctor's orders." So I decided to look it up on the La Leche League's website just now. It does say that alcohol in moderation is fine (no more than 2 drinks a day) but more than that can impede the milk production or be passed on to the baby through the milk. I don't know how that woman managed to keep it under 2 drinks a day though because you breastfeed at least every 2 - 3 hours. I also looked it up on the American Association of Pediatrics' website and they recommend no alcohol while breastfeeding. Sorry - curiousity got the best of me since her theory seemed so wacky.

That's all the fun I can provide for today. I have to get back to the daily grind. More later...

Monday, February 27, 2006

more thank you notes

What a good weekend! I can't stand Mondays, but this one doesn't seem so bad for some reason. I think it's because there is...
at the end...
of the tunnel..

and I know that I only have one more to go until Spring Break. How fun! Well, I didn't get everything done that I wanted to this weekend, but I did at least make a dent. I got lots of baby clothes washed. I worked on my lesson plans for a little bit. I made two dinners to freeze. I also relaxed some and had a good lunch with my friend who was here from out of town.

I have a bunch of thank you notes to write from the shower yesterday. I am getting a little behind because I still have about six to write from random gifts that people bring me at school and other places. Anyway, I will try to get them done this week. I had a great time at the Sunday School class baby shower yesterday. It was really funny being around a different group of people (ones who've recently had kids instead of ones who had kids a long time ago). It was good to hear honest stories of their delivery experiences although everyone there was afraid they were scaring me. It just goes to show that everyone's experience is different and that's OK. They gave me some really adorable outfits for Jules to wear including a fancy leopard print bikini. :) I can't wait to take her to the beach this summer and see her in it! For some reason though it conjures up thoughts of Jonathan and Julianna arguing about what she can wear when she's 12! Ha ha... :)

I wanted to work on our taxes some more this past weekend, but we never got around to it. There's just not enough time for everything and there's only so much you can do. I'm putting that back on the list for this week. It will be so nice to come home from school and be able to accomplish some things at night instead of exhausting myself running to Curves and then home. Who knows? Maybe I'll even manage to make dinner a night or two this week. :)

Well, mom and dad are in Florida and I plan on going over to take care of the cats this afternoon and staying a couple of hours. I am excited because I brought a change of clothes to take a nice jacuzzi bath! How funny that I get thrilled about such little things now! Anyway, it should be good. Well, I'm off to do some work now. Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!

Friday, February 24, 2006


Last night was my last night working at Curves. I am so relieved. I turned in my key and my staff T-shirts. They had decorated the place with balloons and crepe paper which was so sweet. The funny thing is that everyone that kept coming in to work out kept asking, "Who's leaving?" Oh well. I do hope that I can get back to going to exercise again there though after the baby is born. But how exciting is it that I will have every afternoon to go home straight from school again to be productive instead of working 12 hour days. (Except for my weekly doctor's appointments of course.) I still have so much pressure to get everything done now that I can so I am glad to have the little bit of extra time.

Yesterday the doctor's office called and I found out when I called them back that I tested postive for the group B strep test. That just means that I have to have antibiotics by IV during the delivery. She said that a lot of people do test positive and that it's nothing to worry about. They are just trying to make sure that the baby wouldn't get the bacteria in their respiratory tract so they give the antibiotics as a preventive measure. She just said I have to sign some paper at my next visit and take it with me to the hospital so they'll know to give me the IVs.

I slept SO WELL last night. I am so grateful. The last few nights had been rough. I am also looking forward to a great weekend. I have a friend coming into town that I never get to see and although the timing is not great, I am excited about getting to meet her for lunch on Saturday. I also have the Sunday School class baby shower on Sunday afternoon. That should be fun too. I am just hoping to get the tax stuff done and off to the accountant. I also want to get the house clean and make another meal to freeze for the future. Yadda, yadda... so it goes. I'm always making lists of what I want to do. Anyway, I hope you all have a terrific weekend and I'll be back on Monday! :)

Thursday, February 23, 2006

getting there

I finally packed my bag for the hospital last night. The only major thing that I am missing is a gown. I hate gowns. I have a couple of old ratty ones but mostly I just sleep in t-shirts and shorts. I think maybe Allison gave me one a while ago but I will have to find it. Or maybe I will add it to my shopping list. Ugh. More to do. Anyway, at least I packed. Baby steps... baby steps.

I also made an enormous pot of soup last night and froze a good bit of it. That was good. I have had much better days the past two days. I have gotten stuff done and I have gotten back into a routine. I don't know why my attitude is better but I am glad to not have the moodiness.

Last night I didn't sleep well, however. My legs were hurting so badly! I don't know why. At least I haven't had a nose bleed in a long time. My feet are also really swollen each night, but my doctor's appointment yesterday went very well. It was a short and sweet visit and the "mean" doctor was nice. He didn't comment on my weight at all (or my smelly feet) even though I have gained a lot of weight in the last couple of weeks. (I am now up 32.5 pounds.) He did ask if I was familiar with the 4th floor of Forsyth Hospital. Then he just kept saying how I was an easy patient because I didn't have any questions. I did have the group B strep test done and will get results by next week about whether or not I will need antibiotics during the delivery. As Jonathan would say, "That's just one more thing to pay for." He jokes about how I can't have an epidural because it costs too much. :) Just wait til the little girl arrives...

Mom and Dad bought a jogging stroller yesterday and Whit is starting her running program back up today. How exciting! I am counting the days until we can take Julianna out with us. There are only about two weeks of school left until Spring Break and only about four left until Julianna's due date. It is getting so close! I know that she will grow up so fast too, but I am still really excited about it all.

So I read something really good in my Bible study this morning that I think I'll share. Ray Pritchard points out, "So many of us look at a difficult situation and pray, 'Lord, change my situation.' That's really not usually God's will. More often the difficult situation has come as a means of making us grow spiritually. God often brings difficulty into our lives to deepen our total dependence upon Him. When that happens, we ought to pray, 'Lord, change me so that I can face this situation.' That's a prayer God is pleased to answer." I have thought so many times recently, "Wow I might finally be over the hump of having all of this tough stuff to deal with," only to find out that there's just something else. Reading this this morning really helped me realize once again that those things are good for me. They make me a stronger person and closer to God. My prayer today is for God to change me, not my situations. Hope you all have a marvelous day!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Happy Hump Day!

This week is really going by slowly. Shouldn't it be at least Thursday or Friday by now? I think it was the "non-snow" day on Monday that messed me up. Oh well. I have a doctor's appointment today. I have to have the strep B test. Fun, fun! Then I should only have three appointments left. Wow, that is not many!

I had a great day yesterday. School was good. I was productive and managed to get back into my morning Bible Study routine. After school I went to Target and Michael's and then I came home and watched TV and made a gift for Mr. T. It is really cute. It is a frame with the baby's name rubber stamped across the top and bottom. Then in the middle there is a cute little boy quote and the birth information. I probably should have spent my time doing something else, but it was fun nevertheless. I did manage to actually get the bag and list of stuff to pack for the hospital out last night although I didn't put anything in it. There just is not enough time in the day! Everyone keeps telling me to rest while I can and it makes me so irritated because 1) I have so much to do I just don't know how I could possibly find the time right now to nap and relax, etc. and 2) I know that they're right and I can't do much about it. I just do what I can. "Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-14

Today I am working on updating my bulletin board for the last time this year! That is so exciting! I will also try to make some more progress on my lesson plans, but I'm not sure if I'll get much done. It is slow going. We are also on chapel schedule today too so I won't have as much time.

I got lots of cute scrapbooing stuff at Michael's yesterday though and I can't wait to have a few spare moments this summer after Julianna is in a routine and napping or something and I will work on her scrapbook. We also learned how to make neat-o photo explosion boxes at stamp club and I am ready to have some pictures to go in mine! Plus I have all of these baby shower pictures and belly pictures to scrapbook and get caught up on.

Did you know that only 5% of babies are born on their actual due dates. My sister and I were both a couple of days late I think. My doctor said that they would induce if I was a week late and still no signs of labor which pretty much guarantees that Julianna will be a March baby. That is fine with me because I know that March babies are good. :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

still counting down

I didn't sleep so well last night but for some reason I am in a much better mood this morning. I don't know what it is, but I am glad. I was tired of the "funk." I think part of it is excitement that I get to go home right after school and have all evening to get things done (or just rest) - whatever, but it is nice to choose. Last night was my second to last night at Curves and that is a good thing. I am really tired of working there. Now on Thursday I am going to turn in my keys and nametag and staff shirts. :)

Yesterday, the other teacher that I work with who was expecting a baby was out of school because his wife was scheduled to be induced. He just emailed this morning to say that Gabriel Tolentino was born at 4:29 pm weighing 6 pounds and 15 ounces and 20 inches long. That is all so exciting! There is a grand opening at a new Michael's in town this week so I think I am going to go by there this afternoon and get a frame and some supplies and stuff to make him a wall decoration that annouces the new baby (since I never gave him a gift at the school baby shower). How fun!

Well, I am now up 31.5 pounds and I have four weeks left. I have been eating horribly, but my appetite has just really increased for some reason. Yesterday when I got home from school I was feeling pretty miserable. I just had awful heartburn, a backache, and was just tired! I also had a headache yesterday that I finally got to go away with extra strength tylenol. Today I feel much better. Whit has sent me info to sign up for one of the Charity Runs in W-S in April and since it has a 1 mile walk option as well as the run I might just go ahead and sign up for that. At least if I'm not feeling up to running by then I could at least walk and push Jules in the stroller. For some reason, today I am back to being excited about meeting her instead of scared and nervous about it.

The websites say that she is almost 6 pounds and a little less than 19 inches long this week. That is the size of Gabriel! By the end of next week I will be considered full-term. Jonathan and Whit and I keep joking that she looks like she's "dropped" but who knows. It really doesn't feel any different yet. I just feel more tired or carrying her. Our friends in Florida called the other day and their doctor is telling them that their little girl is a bit under-weight. They got another ultrasound and I wish I could, but I know it will all be fine without it, especially since they keep measuring everything and saying Julianna is exactly how she is supposed to be at that time. It is amazing how much they can tell by just looking at and feeling your belly.

Anyway, the braxton hicks contractions are supposed to be getting stronger now and honestly I can't tell that they are. I still feel them every once in a while, but they don't feel stronger or longer. Maybe I just need to wait. Something tells me that she is going to be born late anyway. I have read up on the signs of pre-term labor and I am definitely going to pack my hospital bags tonight. I also have an ambitious goal of making a meal to freeze tonight as well although I'm sure that will depend on how I feel.

I just recently heard the old wives tale that having heartburn during your pregnancy indicates that your baby will be born with a full head of hair. I had never heard that before and I think all of those things are so interesting. I wonder how people come up with that stuff? So I read ahead for next week on the website and here's what it says about hair: "Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children are born blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz." Julianna will more than likely have thick dark hair as she gets older, but I wonder what she will be born with. If the heartburn rule is true then she will certainly have a head full of it!

Only 13 days of school left until break, one day at Curves, and 29 days 'til Julianna's due date!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Friday, February 17, 2006


I finally got around to updating the pictures page. There are some really amusing ones of me. Anyway, I added more to the nursery page, belly page, Glenola shower page, and I put up the Porter shower pictures. Take a look when you have some time.

I am really looking forward to this weekend. I am hoping that I can be really productive and get a lot of stuff done. Although I am exhausted, I know that there are necessary things that I have to do SOON (like pack my hospital bags). I don't have any real scheduled plans which is a good thing. I want to try to make myself stay at home and get some work done! Our house is filthy! Not to mention that I really need to get the birth announcements finished and addressed this weekend, finalize some lesson plans, and get our taxes to the accountant.

Anyway, I had another decent night's sleep last night. My back hurts pretty much every day now and it is really difficult to get up and down (especially off of the floor). My belly button has started pooching out a lot now. It is ugly and my belly is red. But at least I'm not on bed rest. There is a woman here that works for student ministries at the church who was due in April and she was put on bed rest last week after she went into premature labor at 31 weeks. I guess I am glad that I can still work because we need the money, but I am also glad that I only have two more nights at Curves and I am ready! Maybe I can get some small exercise in this weekend while I still have some control over my time... we'll see.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

36 and counting...

I had an absolutely wonderful Valentine's Day. I ran errands after school and then ate a good dinner with Jonathan and Whit. We had yummy brownies, ice cream, and chocolate strawberries for dessert. Jonathan gave me the NCSU crib mobile that I was wanting and then he put it together. How sweet! :) Then I was lazy for an hour or so watching American Idol before going to bed really early. I wish every day could be Valentine's Day.
Julianna had an extremely active day yesterday. I don't know if it was just that I had eaten a lot and she didn't have a lot of room to move around or if my clothes were extra tight or what, but anyway, it was certainly very easy to tell that she was there yesterday.

I know that everyone says that the last four weeks are the hardest and I'm afraid they might be right. I still have five weeks left and yesterday I just really noticed how slow I am moving- getting in and out of the car, walking up steps, etc. I am so exhausted and I know it will only get worse. Whit and Jonathan commented on how red and splotchy my belly was last night. I think it's because of all of the skin stretching, but I can't see it except from far away in the mirror. It takes me almost 30 minutes longer to get ready in the mornings now. Ugh. At least a very nice man at Harris Teeter loaded my groceries into the car for me yesterday.

My daily inbox email this morning had a quote by C. Everett Koop that said, "Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation." I like that. I am naturally scared of the responsibility, but also consider it a privilege to bring Julianna into the world. Thirty six days and counting...

Monday, February 13, 2006

winter is upon us

I had a great weekend. It always goes by so quickly though! The ACSI Conference Thursday and Friday was great and a nice change of pace from the usual grind. I heard some excellent speakers this year, but I also went to less seminars which was really good because I got to take it slow. Jonathan made it home late Friday night, but then Whitter is still snowed in in NYC. I hope she is staying warm and I hope she makes it home today. The people on the news said something about a lot of flights resuming today so maybe she will make it to work tomorrow. Who knows?

I had a fun family baby shower yesterday. As usual I got some really neat stuff. Now I should only have one left and it is in two weekends and will be given by the Sunday School class. Whew! That's a lot of gifts that I have gotten!

I also had a doctor's appointment on Thursday afternoon which went really well. I have gained 28 pounds and the doctor commented on how I had hardly gained an ounce in the last 3 or 4 weeks. My belly is still measuring normal and my blood pressure was back to 120 over 80. She felt the baby and showed me where her bottom was and her head so I know that Julianna has already turned. I thought she had but wasn't 100% sure. Now when she gets the hiccups they are really low feeling and her kicks feel a lot higher. At my next appointment I have to get the strep B test which is the last test I have to get before I deliver. It will determine if I need to get antibiotics by IV during labor. I start going every week now and they will continue doing abdominal exams to check to see when she drops. Closer to the due date they will start checking internally for cervix dilation and other signs of progression. It all is starting to make me nervous!

This week Julianna weighs a tad over 5 pounds and is just over 18 inches long. Over 99% of babies born at 35 weeks do survive. Just knowing that makes it feel so close and so real! At least we are making progress on the nursery and stuff. Jonathan put together the carrier and stroller, swing, and bouncy seat, and installed the car seat base. We need to get that checked out. I think all that we are really missing now is the high chair and co-sleeper for the bedroom. I still haven't washed anything or finished my lesson plans. I am staying busy opening all of these gifts and writing thank you notes! I will try to get the latest pictures posted soon. I know that I am falling behind on that... It is good to know though that I only work at Curves 4 more days (this Monday and Thursday and next Monday and Thursday).

Jonathan and I went out for our Valentine's Day dinner last night since he will be working late tomorrow night. We ate at the Village Tavern and it was nice. I guess it will be one of the few meals we have left with just the two of us for a while. :( sigh... Well, I really have to get something done today. Too much play over the weekend leaves me lots to do this week...

it's good to have friends

This morning I read some in Phillipians. "And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." (Phillipians 4:19) The notes in my Bible say that God has obligated Himself only to the extent of our needs. As it points out, that that would include food, clothing, shelter, companionship, love, and salvation through Jesus Christ. That would not include the multiplicity of luxuries that we have come to think of as needs. But isn't it wonderful when He supplies more? I am thanking God today for the many blessings that He continually bestowes upon me. The love that my family and friends have shown over the past two days has been more than I could ask for and I know that their love is truly a blessing from God.

Today I am back at school, trying to get caught up to head out for the conference tomorrow in Greensboro. Now on to Julianna! I have another appointment tomorrow afternoon. I probably won't be able to post anything Thursday or Friday because I won't be here, but maybe later this weekend. I am going to try to remember to ask the doctor about another ultrasound. I looked up on the internet the other day about stress and how it affects your baby when you are pregnant. Luckily, the article mainly emphasized that the number one thing stress causes is premature labor and hopefully I would know the signs of that. I am still maintaining my 28 pound weight gain so that is good. With just six weeks left I should be able to keep it under a 35 pound gain which I think is a minor accomplishment and I am proud of that. As a random note, I hope that Julianna is a quick learner. I'm looking forward to teaching her braille... ha ha

Jonathan is in Indiana until late Friday night. I miss him like you cannot believe, but I am thankful that he is having this opportunity with his job to not only learn more, but also travel to new places. This weekend we are going to spend some time together. I have to work at Curves on Saturday for "Sweatin' With Your Sweetheart Day" and then we'll hopefully do something after that. Sunday afternoon I have the baby shower for my mom's side of the family. There are only four weeks of school left until Spring Break after today. That it starting to seem so short! We haven't even had a winter yet!

Well, I hate that I can't write more, but I'm off to chapel. Have a happy hump day!

Friday, February 3, 2006


Sorry I did not write yesterday. I had a VERY busy day. I met with the lady that will be subbing for me when I'm gone and she stayed all morning (from 8-12). I couldn't get anything done with her here. Then I had classes all day that I wasn't prepared for because I spent my planning period with her. Ugh! It's not that I'm not grateful to have her here because I am. It's just that the timing is really awful. I've had higher priorities - like keeping my head above water at work and getting some rest at home. I've also been trying to get ready for next week instead of getting ready for something 6-7 weeks from now. I have a sub on Tuesday and then we have an annual conference that all staff go to each year in Greensboro on Thursday and Friday. I have to be ready for all of that by Monday. At least I got laundry done and then packed for the beach Wednesday night since I had to work at Curves last night. Tonight we are going to the beach and I am very anxious to go.

I did feel somewhat relieved after telling Samantha last night at Curves that I wouldn't work there past the end of February. I don't know why that took some pressure off of me but it did. Apparently I was nervous about telling her and didn't know it. So since I am not working next week because I'll be out of town that means I only have 5 days left working at Curves. That is a good feeling.

I have been sleeping SO much better lately. I don't know why, but I am not complaining. I think my body just finally let down. I have gotten a good night's sleep every night this week and I am so very thankful. I have also managed to keep my goal of getting up and doing some kind of chore each morning and read my Bible Study before going to work every day this week. That has certainly helped make the evenings easier.

I have had one or two leg cramps this week though. A lady I just saw downstairs when I was making copies rubbed my belly. Samantha asked me at Curves yesterday if I was wearing my "turkey pants." Oh the joys of pregnancy! It is good to think about the fact that Spring Break is only 5 weeks away though. That means that their are about 6 weeks until my due date. Hooray!
Some of my friends from Raleigh have emailed to say that they want to do something with me sometime soon. I am glad to have people that love me.

Jonathan said that he spent some time with a 3 month old at work yesterday and that it made him excited about getting to that point with Julianna. Of course we are both worried about the 2 months before that, but the 3 month old age is so cute. I also saw a little baby boy here at school yesterday and couldn't help but just beam at him. He couldn't have been more than 3 or 4 months old and he was precious!

We only have a month until the glider should be in. I am going by Babies R Us this afternoon on my way out of town to make another payment on it and return some of the duplicate gifts that we got at the shower last Sunday. We still owe $350 on it, but hopefully after today it will be significantly less. Mom has been working on the curtains and I still haven't started the laundry, but it's getting there... maybe in a couple of weeks... I better get to work... I am rambling...

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

february finally

The reminder for today on the Baby Center website says, "February 1: Call your health insurance company to find out how to add the baby to your plan." Oops! That's one more thing I need to do. All of these things keep popping up that I would never remember to do on my own. I don't know what people do without these reminders. Anyway, Jonathan had to fill out his flexible spending account paperwork last night and we were pretty much just having to make a guess about how much to contribute because we don't know what all money we'll need for medical stuff once Julianna is born and for the rest of the year. He did remind me of going back on birth control which I hadn't thought about in a while and it made me think about having awful cramps, etc again. I'm so pathetic, aren't I?

Tomorrow is groundhog day and we haven't even had winter yet at all. I don't know if I am sad or glad about that. I really hate cold weather, but as a teacher I like snow days. There are only 27 school days left until spring break and I'm sure that some snow any time between now and then would be appreciated, but then it can just go away once the baby is born! I'm counting down...