
Thursday, July 4, 2013

running races

My first real race longer than a 5k was the Hospice Hope Run 10k in April 2007.  If you've been a long time reader then you may remember that race didn't go so well.  My journey to become a runner started before that but I don't have much documented other than this goal I set when I turned 29

I've participated in lots of races since then.  A couple of weeks ago I ran a local 10k and set a new PR at 1:07:02.  I was hoping for somewhere between 1:05 and 1:10 so I'd call it a success.  I didn't train as well as I could have for it, but I wasn't hoping to win any awards or anything like that.  I just wanted to have fun. That it was.

My friend Michelle ran with me through the hilly course.  She also ran Mistletoe with me last year.  This year we even made the news! Ha!

Next month Julianna is going to run her first 5k and I am equal parts nervous and excited for her.  She's not excited at all and it's totally OK.  I know she's not going to like everything I like.  I know she can do it though.  She's run 3 miles a few times before just not in the race environment.

I have thought a lot about committing to a marathon this year, but I have decided to put it off again.  I'd want to train with Fleet Feet and that's not in the cards for me this year with the only 2013 training beginning next week and there's the fact that I'll be starting a new job this fall.  It is most definitely going on my list for next year.  Someone get pumped and do it with me!

So that brings me to...races officially on the calendar:
  • Mission 5k on Saturday, August 10, 2013
  • Ramblin' Rose Triathlon on Sunday, August 18, 2013
  • City of Oaks Half Marathon on Sunday, November 3, 2013
  • Mistletoe Half Marathon on Saturday, December 7, 2013
  • Rock 'n' Roll Raleigh Half Marathon on Sunday, April 13, 2014
Not sure who is going to run any of these with me besides the 5k since we're doing that with our Run For God group with church.  I might just be running a couple of them by myself, but either way I am just thrilled to be running and have some races on the agenda.

It always blows my mind when people say they don't understand how I can run. I know from experience that if you do something enough times you start to miss it when you don't do it anymore. Also, ice cream tastes better after a run.

If you run, what races do you have coming up?

What are you excited about lately?

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