Forgive me for the in-cohesiveness of this post. My excuse is that my brain is lacking oxygen because Jonathan has been making me plank each weeknight and now I can't think about one topic for more than ten seconds.
So! Look at this pop art my daughter did in art class at school. I love it and just might frame it for her bedroom. I just wish she hadn't folded it up.
I had one day without my phone. Actually it was about 26 hours. It totally killed me.
Fortunately Verizon is pretty awesome and they overnight-ed me a new one and fortunately my dad got me a Samsung Galaxy Note for the time being. That was kinda fun!
Last week at Bingo With Mom at Julianna's school I snapped this pictures. It's on the wall in the Elementary School Gym. I love it.
And in a moment I'm not very proud of I yelled at my son the other night, "Stop sticking your things in every hole you see!" He was jamming a little toy in the keyhole of our coffee table drawer. If I hadn't been so mad it would have been funny.
You may not be able to see these two pictures very well, but they're little snippits I read in the latest issue of Runner's World that I loved. There are some pretty amazing people in this world.
Last but not least, my sister announced that she's having a baby girl at her this past weekend and I am so excited! Now I've got lots of shopping to do!

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