reading: Finished Shutter Island. Working on the next Blog Her Book Club selection (post to come next week) and probably rereading Matched and Crossed next.
playing: kitty kitty Lego - The kids are having so much fun with the kitten Santa brought. Josh absolutely adores him and while Jules loves him too, she's also a bit more timid about hurting him and Josh doesn't give a darn about that. Obviously.
listening: Taylor Swift Red. I was actually kind of excited when Julianna received the Tangled soundtrack for Christmas because I wanted to listen to it, but then she decided to take it back to Wal-Mart and exchange it for a new fish tank.
eating: This week we have lasagna, spinach and bacon quiche, and turkey subs on the menu. Now I'm trying to plan menus for the rest of the month. Since school started I've really gotten better at planning my dinners for the week. It helped me do groceries, prep lunches, etc on the weekend. I'm going to attempt monthly planning for a while and see how that goes. Do any of you have any feedback on that?
drinking: How funny are these cups? Long nosehairs aside, I think they look amazing!
anticipating: ice skating with Jules
loving: Fitnessista's 12 days of Christmas workout I missed the twelve scheduled days but I'm going to start it late. It's all good, right?
enjoying: These free products from Mary Kay, especially having new mascara that doesn't sting my eyes. The new lip gloss is pretty amazing too - not sticky and nice long-lasting color.

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